| 姓名:张方 职称:教授 电话:0553-3869257 邮箱:biozhf@ahnu.edu.cn |
◆ 主要学习工作经历
●2011.11-2012.5 国外访问学者
●2014.9-2015.6 国外访问学者
●2002年7月-至今 历任安徽师范大学助教、讲师、副教授、教授,博士生导师
◆ 主要社会兼职
◆ 主要研究内容
◆ 主要研究课题
1.环境异质性对凹耳蛙鸣声和视觉信号表达的影响. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2025.1-2028.12 主持.
2.凹耳蛙声通讯中非线性现象的功能及两性间近距离通讯. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2019.1-2022.12 主持
3. 噪音环境下雄性凹耳蛙的短期适应策略及其雌蛙的声通讯. 国家自然科学基金(应急管理项目) 2017.1-2017.12 主持
4. 巢址选择对扬子鳄幼鳄性比的影响. 国家自然科学基金面上项目2013.1-2016.12 主持
5. 新安江鱼类监测.中央财政支持项目. 2019.1-至今. 主持
6. 如何提高黄缘闭壳龟的产卵率. 安徽省教育厅产学研重点项目2012.1-2014.12 主持
7. The survey on the wild population of Cuora flavomarginata in China and the conservation of the Curoa aurocapitata. Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (KFBG) Foundation, Hong Kong 2012.6- 2014.7主持
8. The potential influence of the climate change on the hatchling sex ratio of Chinese alligator. Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong 2012.7-2013.10 主持
9. Conservation and field study of Cuora aurocapitata and Cuora. flavomarginata. Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (KFBG) Foundation, Hong Kong 2011.8 -2012.9主持
10. The survey on the wild population of Cuora aurocapitata. Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund 2011.1-2011.12 主持
11. The investigation on the current status of the wild population and the conservation of the habitats of the Cuora aurocapitata. Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong
2010.7-2011.6 主持
◆ 主要研究成果
1.Chen, P., Liu, S.W., Wu, Y.T., Liu, G.Q., Jin, Y.Y., and Zhang, F*. 2024. Female frogs communicate with males through blinking. Current Biology, 34(5): 191-192.
2.Wu, Y., Luo, X.L., Chen, P. and Zhang, F*. 2023. Frequency jumps and subharmonic components in calls of female Odorrana tormota differentially affect the vocal behaviors of male frogs. Frontiers in Zoology, 20(39): 1-7.
3.Pan Chen, Jinmei Wang, Junqi Miao, Hao Dong, Jiahui Bao, Yatao Wu, Fang Zhang*. 2022. Female large odorous frogs (Odorrana graminea) prefer males with higher nonlinear vocal components. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8573.
4.Yanping Yang, Ziyi Ke, Fengjiao Ma, Juanjuan Dong, Min Jiang, Peijie Li, Qing Zhu, Yinping Wang, Kai Liu* Fang Zhang*. 2022. Detection of immune-related enzyme activity, gene expression and metabolomic profiling in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis parasitized by Polyascus gregaria. Aquaculture Research, DOI: 10.1111/are.15906.
5.Zhang F., Wu Y.T., Wang J.M. Bao J. H. 2021. Calls of the Large Odorous Frog (Odorrana graminea) Show Nonlinear and Individual Characteristics. Asian Herpetological Research. 12(1):124-134.
6.Wu Y.T., Bao J. H. Lee P. S. Wang J. M., Wang S. Zhang, F*. 2021. Nonlinear Phenomena Conveying Body Size Information and Improving Attractiveness of the Courtship Calls in the Males of Odorrana tormota. Asian Herpetological Research. 12(1):117-123.
7.Yanping Yang, Fengjiao Ma, Juanjuan Dong, Lianxing Li, Ping Ren, Yuning Zhang, Yatao Wu, Yinping Wang, Kai Liu* and Fang Zhang*. 2021.The Innate Immune Response to Infection by Polyascus gregaria in the Male Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis), Revealed by Proteomic Analysis. Fishes, 6(57):1-17.
8.Zhang F., Yuan C., Feng A. S. 2020. Female concave-eared torrent frogs prefer smaller males. Journal of Zoology, 311(4): 239-245.
9.Fang Zhang, Juan Zhao, Albert S. Feng. 2017. Vocalizations of female frogs contain nonlinear characteristics and individual signatures. Plos One, 12(3): e0174815.
10.Fang Zhang, Juan Zhao, Pan Chen, Zhuqing Chen, Yuanyuan Chen, Feng S. Albert. 2016. Heterogeneity of vocal sac inflation patterns in Odorrana tormota plays a role in call diversity, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(3): 1018-1023.
11.Fang Zhang, Pan Chen, Zhuqing Chen, Juan Zhao. 2015. Ultrasonic frogs call at a higher pitch in noisier ambiance, Current Zoology, 61 (6): 996-1003.
12.Fang Zhang, Messenger Kevin, Yong Wang. 2015. Relationship between nest defence behaviours and reproductive benefits in Chinese alligators. Amphibia-Reptilia, 36: 141-147.
13.Fang Zhang, Juan Zhao, Yujie Zhang, Messenger Kevin, Yong Wang. 2015. Antipredator behavioral responses of native and exotic tadpoles to novel predator, Asian Herpetological Research, 6(1): 51-58.
14.Feng S. Albert,Fang Zhang,Pan Chen,Juan Zhao,Zhuqing Chen. 2015. Sexual communication in ultrasonic frogs Odorrana tormota involves acoustic and various visual signals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(3):1727-1727.
15.F. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Guo, B. R. Murray. 2009. Climate warming and reproduction in Chinese alligators. Animal Conservation, 12(2): 128-137.
16. 董浩,柯子怡,武亚涛,苗珺琪,张方*. 2023. 雄性凹耳蛙不同合唱期鸣声特征的变化,生物多样性, 31(1): 1-5.
17. 王生,刘姝文,汪金梅,包家辉,张方*. 2020. 非线性鸣声对雄性凹耳蛙应答的影响. 动物学杂志,55(1):37-43.
18. 袁成,王生,刘姝文,金莹,张方*. 2019. 雌性凹耳蛙生育力与体型参数间相关性及其配对模式. 动物学杂志,54(1): 30-36.
19. 金莹,王生,袁成,刘姝文,张方*. 2019. 不同物种雄性鸣声刺激下雌性凹耳蛙脑组织中 ZENK 的表达. 动物学杂志,54(2): 196-206.
20. 刘姝文,袁成,汪金梅,王生,张方*. 2019. 近距离交流信号对雌性凹耳蛙抱对成功率的影响. 动物学杂志,54(5): 652-658.
21. 章平,金莹,张方*. 2018. 雄性凹耳蛙的争斗鸣声及其打斗行为. 动物学杂志,53(6): 841-848.
22. 陈媛媛,赵娟,张方*. 2016. 扬子鳄幼鳄出壳前后的鸣声特征比较. 动物学杂志,51(6): 977-984.
23. 张方,陈烛青,赵娟,陈潘. 2015. 噪音环境下花臭蛙求偶鸣声特征分析. 动物学杂志, 50(1): 52-58.
24. 周婷等主编 张方等参编 中国龟类分类原色图鉴 中国农业出版社 2013.
25. 吴孝兵主编 张方等副主编 黄山夏季野外实习指导 安徽人民出版社 2008.
1. 制定《扬子鳄栖息地生态修复技术规程》安徽省地方标准1部(DB34/3718-2020)